Sam and Cat 2 is a sequel sitcom to the original Sam and Cat series, it was produced by Dan Schneider. It was the 3# Best Sam and Cat show ever.
The series got announced by Nickelodeon on August 18, 2022, the series was picked up by the first ever episode, #ThePilot it was premiered on September 1, 2022.
Nickelodeon stated "This Revial will blow your guys mind! We're just getting started on the first episode right now, Jennette McCurdy just posted it". The series ordered for 18 seasons in total adding 8 official movies, it was chosen for Kids Tv Choice Awards 2022 in 2nd place. Ariana confirmed that they're we're going to be 18 official seasons in total.
Sam and Cat goes on more adventures while they're taking care of their babysitting service, they have to experience the most difficult adventures ever!
After Nickelodeon announced about the new series, they started to film the first episode of the series. It was recorded by August 20, 2022, Ariana posted, Dan Schneider learned his ways while doing this set! I'm so glad for more episodes! The episode had 84 bloopers in total while filming. After it was done and was planned to release, the episode was finally aired it reached to a point of a million viewers that everyone wanted more of it, so more filming would come in.